Our Services

THALIA coaches work with you at a deep level of integration to maximize your individual and collective potential.

Executive & Leadership Coaching

By viewing yourself, the issues you’re addressing and your life from a higher perspective, you will experience a deeper integration that moves you forward in your leadership journey towards a more wise and influential presence.

Thalia executive coaches work with both experienced and emerging leaders. Our one-on-one confidential coaching and consultation commitments are designed to meet your needs and vary in duration.

Each session addresses your needs whether, professional, personal or both, and may include subject-specific coaching such as:

  • Leadership Development
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Conflict Resolution and Management Skills
  • Practice Management and Development

  • Wellness
  • Work-life Balance
  • Enhancing Resiliency
  • Career and Life Changes

Thalia executive coaches specialize in using the Enneagram, a system that helps you discover and develop you selves and your leadership style. Increased self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-acceptance gives you insight into your personality, perceptions, motivations, values, higher qualities and purpose. You will strengthen your personal and professional presence. You will become more effective at leading yourself, others and your organization.

Contact us to begin your leadership development journey.

Team Coaching

Thalia executive coaches are experienced collaborative practitioners and organizational consultants, who work with your organization and your teams to create a shared vision of success for your organization.

Thalia’s approach is based on research that shows that organizations thrive on collaboration, rather than just cooperation, that high performing multidisciplinary teams are necessary for business success, and that team development that’s based on individual and collective growth is an investment that produces sustainable results.

Your team members will learn to truly collaborate. They will learn to align individual and collective goals, while managing change and conflict more effectively. They will learn strategies that strengthen relationships, create synergy and achieve optimal results.

Our presence- and evidence-based approach enhances emotional intelligence, social awareness and leadership skills. It increases insight, accountability and alignment.

Contact us to discover innovative ways for your team to work together and to create cultures of caring without compromising results.

Training and Facilitation

Our workshops, trainings, facilitations and retreats are tailored to meet your needs. We blend experiential and theoretical learning with presence- and evidence-based practices to support your leadership development process. We create a stimulating place for you to learn, share and grow.

Thalia executive coaches deliver high-quality learning and developmental programs designed to increase your leadership competency and to develop your leadership presence. Our programs provide opportunities for leadership development and renewal.

You will engage with other leaders who want to increase their consciousness and become stewards of their organizations and the world. You will create communities that support and sustain you as you do the important work of strengthening your Point of Integration. You will move ahead with greater enthusiasm, commitment and purpose as you embody and express your unique leadership qualities in service to others and to your organizations.

We offer programs in a wide variety of settings – nationally and internationally – to physicians, lawyers, business leaders, executives and students, including:

  • Personal and Professional Effectiveness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Developing Leadership Presence
  • Compassionate Care
  • Change Agility
  • Communication, Collaboration and Conflict Resolution
  • Team Management and Development
  • Cultural Intelligence

We also develop leadership coaching programs for organizations and train leaders on how to mentor and coach their teams.

Contact us to get the right program for you, your team and your organization.

Professionalism Hours

With your professional governing body’s approval, THALIA coaching, workshops, trainings, facilitations and retreats hours may apply towards your continuing education accreditation. We provide certificates and confirmation of your attendance.

Vanita served as an effective thought partner, sounding board and mentor as I wrestled with early leadership challenges and her approach is not cookie cutter- she develops a personal, collaborative approach that resonated with my personal style and allowed me to fully develop as a leader while maintaining a feeling of authenticity and autonomy.

Dr. Chandra Hartman, MD Family Medicine